Rubber protective chemicals
1,3-Bis(citraconimidomethyl) benzene
PK900 is an antireversion curing agent for sulfur cured diene rubbers. During longer time curing and longer term service at higher temperature, the polysulfide crosslink of diene rubber vulcanises have to breakage to generating new with PK900 molecules to reunion the crosslink. Particularly for the performance needs of anti reversion cases e.g. TBR tire, OTR tire, GOTR tire and antivibration damp articles.
N-t-butyl-di-(2-benzothiazole) sulfenimide
TBSI shows longer scorch safety, better anti reversion curing, lower curing speed, higher modulus and lower HBU of NR and diene rubbers. TBSI can increase the heat stability and durability of bonding compounds of tire rubber to steel cord. The physical performance of vulcanizates is almost same with TBBS and DCBS. Suitable for the more thick section rubber products, e. g. TBR, OTR and GOTR tires.
Disodium, S’-hexane-1,6- diyldi(thiosulfate)dihydrate
HTS is used in sulfur based vulcanisation systems to generate hybrid crosslink with provide increased retention of physical and dynamic properties when exposed to anaerobic conditions at elevated temperatures such as those experienced during overcure, when using high curing temperatures of during product service life. HTS also can promote the adhesion between rubber compounds and brass plated steel reinforcing materials. HTS in non-discolouring in most compounds.
Antireversion Curing Agents
Antireversion Curing Agents
Antireversion Curing Agents
The molecule structure of HT918 is similar with accelerator TBzTD and anti reversion agent of HTS, so it has both function of curing and anti reversion. During sulfur vulcanisation, thermodynamically stable, flexible hybrid crosslinks are formed. It shows excellent retention of static and dynamic modulus, and physical and mechanical properties. HT918 has high anti reversion function. It can be used in green tires to replace DPG to greatly reduce the hazards of benzene on the human body and the environment.
Mixture of fully refines paraffin wax and microwax with wide MWD
H2830 id a kind of low temperature rubber protective wax, with particular emphasis on low temperature protection. The peak carbon C max. is at C28-C29, the wax can quickly form a wax film and can effectively prevent the ozone cracking at low temperature, it especially suitable for winter tyres.
Mixture of fully refined paraffin wax and mixcrowax with wide MWD
Protection wax with twin peak specification for earlier migration to the surface of vulcanizates and forms a flexible and complete protective film with remains stable at temperatures up to 50 C
Antireversion Curing Agents
Rubber protective waxes
Rubber protective waxes
Mixture of fully refined paraffin wax and mixcrowax with wide MWD
H3236 has a reduced solubility, migrates to the surface of the vulcanizates and forms there a complete protective film with remains stable at temperatures from -10C to about 50 C. The formation of the protective film takes place at the medium-fast rate. The protective film shows an excellent stability against dynamic stress
Mixture of fully refined paraffin wax and mixcrowax with wide MWD
The peak carbon Cmax is at C30-C20, the wax film is formed at medium rate and provides an excellent stability against dynamic stress. H652 provides ling term protection for tire and technical rubber goods tp prevent the cracking caused be ozone and weather.
Mixture of fully refined paraffin wax and mixcrowax with wide MWD
H3240 with its reduced solubility migrates to the surface of the vulcanizates and forms there a complete protective film which remains stable at temperatures up to 50C. The formation of the film takes place at a slow rate. The protective film shows an excellent stability against dynamic stress.
Rubber protective waxes
Rubber protective waxes
Rubber protective waxes
Mixture of fully refined paraffin wax and mixcrowax with considerably wide MWD (molecular weight distribution)
H3241, with its reduced solubility migrates to the surface of the vulcanizates and forms there a complete protective film with remains stable at temperatures up to about 50C. The protective film shows an excellent stability against dynamic stress.
Mixture of fully refined paraffin wax and mixcrowax with considerably wide MWD (molecular weight distribution)
HB10, with its decreased solubility migrates to the surface of vulcanizates and forms there a flexible and complete protective film with remains stable at temperatures up to 60C. The formation of the film takes place at a very slow rate. The protective film shows an excellent stability against dynamic stress and long term service.
Mixture of fully refined paraffin wax and microwax with considerably wide MWD (molecular weight distribution)
Rubber protective wax at higher temperature up to 65C, the wax film is formed very slow but provides excellent stability. The peak carbon (C max.) is at C36~C37, with provides long term protection for tire and technical rubber goods at higher temperatures up to 65C.
Rubber protective waxes
Rubber protective waxes
Rubber protective waxes
Mixture of fully refined paraffin wax and mixcrowax with considerably wide MWD (molecular weight distribution)
H3841 wax with the peak carbon Cmax. is at C38 for the very slow migration to the surface of vulcanizates and forms a flexible and complete protective film with remains stable at temperatures up to about 60C.
The wax film of HG95 provides excellent stability even temperature up to more than 45C. And the film of HG95 is very denser and flexible. So, It’s a wide range temperature anti-ozone rubber protective wax/ It has very good performance both in high temperature and low temperature and has no blooming problem.
Because the melting point of HG70 is about 70C, it is easy to migrate to the surface of vulcanised rubber. The wax film provides excellent stability even temperature up to more than 45C. The film of HG70 has denser Crystalline form and has flexible characteristic. Because of the particularity of the film of HG70, it is a wide range temperature anti-ozone rubber protective wax. And it is not easy to bloom.